Enterprise & Industry Skills Centre


Brauer College has always been recognised as being a leader in providing a diverse range of educational programs for students which allows them to choose a career path anywhere from Building to Medicine. Over the past 30 years the College has met the changing career landscape by providing programs such as VTP, VET in schools and the Australian Technical College alongside our traditional middle school program providing challenge, diversity and successful VCE streams.

Throughout 2018 and beyond we will also be engaging with the local community including employers of all sizes, to ensure we have a focus on meeting the needs of both local and global employers and delivering the best opportunities possible for our students.

Brauer College is one of the biggest providers of VET to school age students in the South West. The College will continue to deliver 6 VET Certificates both individually and integrated with our VCAL program. There will be modernised spaces for Building and Construction, Engineering and Hospitality which will also support our middle school programs.

The most exciting addition will be the spaces supporting the expansions of our STEM, Digital Technologies and Design and Enterprise programs.

Purpose built STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) facilities will allow integrated activities across all learning areas in the college in a

state of the art facility. This will also allow students to focus on specific STEM areas in their senior studies with an emphasis on employability skills like creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, and communication.

It is these employability skills which underpin the Design and Enterprise spaces allowing students to pursue their passion in a supported environment.

The Brauer Enterprise and Industry Skills Centre is scheduled for launch in 2019. We will continue to provide updates on progress and programs through the College website:    https://www.brauer.vic.edu.au and on social media.

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