On behalf of the School Council, staff and students, I would like to welcome you to the Brauer College website.
Brauer College has an established and well-earned reputation for providing outstanding educational opportunities for students in the City of Warrnambool and its surrounding areas. Our school values highlight the importance of building strong relationships so that effective learning and personal development can occur as students move along educational pathways from Year 7 to Year 12.
Your child will participate in a range of educational and social programs, as well as having access to exciting and challenging extra-curricular activities. As part of the transition program, our transition team has worked to ensure that we understand your child’s achievements to date and also their future learning needs.
Brauer College believes in the importance of establishing positive partnerships between parents, students and staff. Our school looks forward to beginning the academic year with a day of Pastoral Care interviews, in which parents and students are invited to meet their Pastoral Care Leader (PCL), and to discuss goals and expectations for the coming semester. Interim report interviews are conducted at the end of term one with subject teachers, Pastoral Care Leaders and Year Level Co-ordinators; this is an excellent opportunity for parents to check that the learning needs of their children are being reinforced and extended.
In this website, you will find information that will assist you and your child in making a seamless transition into secondary education.
Yours Sincerely,
Jane Boyle | Principal
© Copyright 2017 Brauer College
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